real estate questions

What to do With Your Real Estate?

Matt Gustavson

If you have a property that are considering selling, renting, renovating, or modifying, it can be difficult to understand all of the options available

san diego real estate agent

Choosing an Agent: 8 Things to Look For

Matt Gustavson

With literally thousands of licensed agents in San Diego County, how do you choose the best one for your sale?

cash for house

Should You Sell to a Cash Home Buyer?

Matt Gustavson

Should you sell your house to a cash buyer? Why would you sell fast for cash when you can list with an agent for a higher price?

man selling house for cash decision

4 Steps to Choosing a Home Buyer

Matt Gustavson

How is a homeowner supposed to choose the right buyer, and does it even matter who the buyer is?

foreclosure house on edge

The 6 Ways to Stop Foreclosure

Matt Gustavson

To stop foreclosure, there are generally a few relatively straightforward options available. Learn more about CalHomeCo's free, no-obligation professional consultations!